WLIRC Manual

Opening page

This is the opening page...

  • Configuration (configure nick/channel/irc server)
  • Advanced (configure WLIrc)
  • Exit (Quit the application)

  • Nick
  • Channel(s) (Enter multiple channels by separate them with an ' ' example: '#wlirc #norway'.)
  • Irc serveres(click here to see a list over irc servers.).

  • Connection type:
    • Socket (Direct connection to the irc server. Its recommanded to use this mode if your phone support it)
    • Http(Connection throught an http gateway. WLIrc will simple check for info every x seconds.

    * To determine if your device support sockets, simply try to connect with socket mode selected. If you got an the message 'your device does not support socket'  it means that your device does not support sockets.
  • Poll time (has only effect when connection type is set to http). Here you could enter how many seconds between each poll. That means how often WLIrc should check for incoming data.
  • Force sending of data (has only effect when connection type is set to http). WLIrc will send data entered by the client immedially and will not wait until the polltime has timed out.
  • Gateway (This is the address for the http gateway.)
  • Encoding: use the phones default encoding or IS0-8859-1 if not specified, Some encodings are not implemented by the phone vendors but are implemted in wlirc these are:
    • Baltic (windows-1257)
    • Cyrillic (koi8r or windows-1251)

Some general information about WLIrc windows. 

Navigation in windows:
- Up arrow and down arrow, scrolls up and down in the current window.
- Arrow left and arrow right, change between windows.

All windows has these menus

  • Windows (A list over all of your windows.)
  • Join (Join a new channel)
  • Query (Chat to someone in private)
  • Change nick (Change your nickname)
  • Byte counter (info about bytes sent/recieved)
  • Disconnect (Disconnect from the irc server)

Rectangles in the right corner:
Each window is represtanted with a small rectangle. The current window are represented with an black rectangle. The other ones are white. If a message is recieved in anoter window that rectangle becomes red. If it is only a channel message, the rectangle becomes blue.


Status window.

The status window gives you information sent by the server. If you are familar with mirc you will probably recognize this window.

The status window has these menus:

  • Msg (This would send an raw message to the server. Nice if you want to send informations to the server who is not supported by WLIrc, Example:'TOPIC #wlirc :Welcome to wlirc' (sets topic on the channel #wlirc )
  • Change font (Change to an different font for all windows.)
Channel window.

The channel window has these menus:
  • Msg (Sends an message to the channel)
  • Action (Sends an message to the channel on the same format as in /me in mirc)
  • Names (A list over all names on this channel. click on a name to get the list belove.)
    • Query (Chat with that person)
    • Whois (Information about that person)
    • Back (Back to the list)
  • Close (leaves the channel)
Private window.

The private window has these menus:
  • Msg (Sends an message to the person)
  • Action (Sends an message to the person on the same format as in /me in mirc)
  • Whois (Information about the person
  • Close (close the window)
